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SILENCE IS GOLDEN for Predators in our Parlaiments

  • Proved 100%: Australia Sux because of Government funded Secret Civil Terrorism to cover up child rape & murder which precipitated the Unwin, Hyman & Allen, Unwin AUKUS global corporate paperback & TV miniseries BROTHERS IN ARMS ... BIKIE WARS, for police to cover up their FREEMASON BROTHER's thousands or millions of child rapes & their murders to cover up their child rapes.

  • We all know the propensity of aggressors to rape the person they seek to overpower. This personality trait indicates, actually proves that misogyny, pedophillia, & racial hatred is dominated by actions that are sex crimes. When the cover up of all sex crimes become necessary due to changing racial & social tolerances that sex crime cover ups move into the shadows, into secret societies, like FREEMASONS, & funded by parliaments under fake or ambiguous titles like "national security" or "mens' health research".

  • There has never been a government war against evil. Only wars ever fought were intended to suppress good from exposing truth about evil. This specific war is about child sex predators defaming witnesses to their crimes, I'm one such child witness who became an adult witness. Which means everyone who opposes me in this my life long 'quest' to expose those defaming me, are in reality providing support to those who seek to cover up many child rapes & associated murders, perpetrated by government officials in 20th century Freemason Australia.

  • Some time after 1700s invasion of modern Australia; after 1900s federation of Australian states but before I was born in 1956 Cooma New South Wales AUSTRALIA, our government's started spinning outrageous lies-upon-lies in the course of their member's desperate actions to maintain their political organization's unconstitutional terrorist control over all of Australia's parliaments.

  • Every country as a legal entity is nothing more than the sum of those who allow its control.

  • Australia is a terrorist nation therefore Australia Sux, & its majority voting public are ruthless-terrorist supporters, & supporters of ruthless terrorists.

About AustraliaSux Domain Name

  • First registered in 2005 via who claimed to receive one complaint before they infringed State Fair Trading statute, Federal Trade Practice Act, and my Federal Criminal Code Act right of lawful free speech by de-registering my domain name.

  • de-registered without first applying the rule of law - natural justice, by asking me for grounds not to de-register before they illegally de-registered this domain name, then refused to refund my payment.

  • Soon after this domain name was first registered Australia's Freemason police misappropriated government resources to create and maintain a social media thread on Sydney's they named after this domain name - AUSTRALIA SUX !? - started by NSW retired police officer Peter Robert BRADBURY, using the monica "SHOOTER" on 17 December 2005 ending on 27 April 2007 by another police officer using the monica "Scarlet Spider",

  • Obvious purpose of the lengthy " Australia Sux!?" hate-campaign by Australia's Terrorist Government public officers was evidently to [falsely] criminally defame me as an eye-witness to the FREEMASON murder committed by "SHOOTER" on Sunday evening of 24 April 1988 inside Camden NSW John Street police station.

  • In 2005 & probably still in 2025, <> provide a lot of domain registrations & website hosting services to Australia's terrorist governments. "Nuff said"

VIPSites Media

2003 me & my VT Holden Calais [white dove].

Goulburn, State of New South Wales.

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2007 my VT Holden Calais [white dove].

Adelaide, State of South Australia.

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2024 [C] BROTHERS IN ARMS Bikie Wars SIMPSON & HARVEY Freemason Lies

Author JG Francis (1956- )

VIPSites Media

2024 [A] Democracy The Great Deception

Author JG Francis (1956- )

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2024 [B] Taurus Rising

Author JG Francis (1956- )

VIPSites Media

Evidenced by True Government Crime - Australia Sux.

Author JG Francis (1956- )

Contact Janette

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34 Whitestone Crescent, Seaford Rise SA 5169, Australia


+61 490 833 008




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