Same old same old.

People call themselves civilised when they have a long way to go to get there.
Romans tortured & murdered the fella we call Jesus, because he was popular with the Jewish people, essentially they didn't like what he was saying.
Jesus followers, the Christians, tortured & killed hundreds because they didn't like what they were saying that differed to their beliefs.
WWII Nazis murdered thousands of people with disability because they saw them as a burden on their economy & murdered thousands of Jewish people because they didn't like that they generally had more disposable income.
Literally hundreds of modern day elected or employed government public officers & private surgeons & physicians have tortured me and my family and murdered or attempted to murder me and many others because they don't like what we say or do despite the legality of our actions, because I or they chose to be honest and honourable about disclosing political based crimes or child rape & murder involving FREEMASONS - serious crimes of terrorism against their own people, in order to hang on to their positions in public office.
This custom of practice of falsifying State records for political, ideological or religious causes to cause me serious harm that is physical (federal criminal law) has spread like a sycophantic pandemic throughout at least five (5) departments in South Australia, including the court system - giving rise to potential that Martial Law may be declared against South Australia.
Under the amended Defence Act 1903 (Cth) (the Act), the Federal Government now has the power to call out the armed forces on domestic soil against perceived threats to 'Commonwealth interests', with or without the agreement of a state government.
Once deployed, military officers can order troops to open fire on civilians, as long as they determine that it is reasonably necessary to prevent death or serious injury.
Soldiers will have greater powers than the police in some circumstances, including the right to shoot to kill someone escaping detention, search premises without warrants, detain people without formally arresting them, seal off areas and issue general orders to civilians.
Its ironic that the Australian Labor Party and the Liberal Party of Australia in South Australia & New South Wales are now enemies of Australia & threat to national security as potential targets for declaration of Martial Law in these rape & murder & medical mutilation terrorist crimes, dating back well over 40 years. In fact my teeth were removed as a child to attempt to ensure I’d never have a “husband” and therefore be vulnerable to Freemason attack in an era when the male parent “owned” his children as “chattels”. Where a husband removed that power from my male parent, the FREEMASON POLICE protected paedophile who had planned to murder me as a teenager and dump my body in bushland near his NSW Department of Main Roads worksite. Sound familiar? Ivan Milat would think so he claimed his innocence to his last breath.
This CHILD RAPE MISFEASANCE in public office

Once Upon A Time
When all the miscreants wrote about the innocent bystander LEANNE WALTERS fake murder & fake person the only innocent bystander they were referring to was me - Janette Gail FRANCIS & why they included my adult face as the description of their paperback innocent bystander. Evidently author Lindsay SIMPSON & author Sandra HARVEY were writing about their own misguided childhood, mine was noting like that, for many decades I've been and will remain the innocent bystander to decades of child-rape & brutal premeditated murders perpetrated by pederast FREEMASONS & pedophilic FREEMASON POLICE from Sydney to Canberra regions. That even after I relocated to South Australia's capitol city Adelaide region, I've been blocked by their police in bringing these criminals to justice - despite the huge amount of evidence in my favour - that fact alone dear reader tells you everything you need to know to prove our Australia governments are terrorist organisations & same is probably true in all our allied countries where FREEMASON memberships are highest globally.
Significant evidence indicates across in USA wrote the lengthy series "Once Upon A Time" to copy their FREEMASON brothers crimes against those like me they illegally suppress from their positions in government public office. Every evil person is one of theirs every Innocent is people like me but in my matters, the evidence proves the "Once Upon A Time" owners (The Walt Disney Company, Capital Cities/ABC, American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres) "Once Upon A Time" wrote their theme from 2011 to 2017 is a blueprint of what Australia's FREEMASONS did to me & my family. "Storybrook" is essentially Adelaide of South Australia. As it happens that is when Australia's FREEMASONS decided they'd illegally imprison me without lawful authority by criminal abuse of our Mental Health Act - illegally cancel my drivers licence without lawful authority - illegally censor all my communications from & to my mobile telephone network services where the latter is proved by fact I can't get a lawyer to sue the bastards. The Walt Disney is listed as my 10th cousin twice removed. Some time ago I emailed his company asking for support to air my story as a film.
There's no place for "bastards" in any parliament or government of Australia. Fortunately, our Constitution allows our laws to crush MISCREants, as they should be - under a law book.
This CHILD RAPE MISFEASANCE in public office

By the way, not much is ever exactly as the Government claims ...
There's a good reason your granny smells of talcum powder - Did you know that regular talcum powder also known as baby powder absorbs & eliminates body odour? For some, there is no need to use deodorant after powder.
On this basis, this knowledge passed down the generations may well have been the catalyst for unlawful conspiracy between deodorant corporations & our government to claim talcum powder causes cervical cancer, according to one court decision where the person used it in her private internal crevices - contracted cervical cancer from which lawyers & their experts deduced her cancer was due to internal use of talcum powder.
Note, talcum powder uses - talcum powder was NEVER intended to be used internally.
Footnote: it's widely suspected that sex is what causes cervical cancer & why if you're an active participant & born female it's a good idea to have a regular cervical "screen" which in real terms means a physician has a really long good look and poke around with metal devices to open you up. When I had my first "screen" in 1999 (age 34) I'd intentionally choose a female general physician in private practise. Seconds into it, she disappeared brought a male in to have a look at my scars from my infant rape, they both stood discussing it totally as my legs were spread apart on a table - no damn screen involved. That was my last scan.
Most, dear reader, are possibly thinking, 'then why didn't you say something or leave.' In answer to that - if you & I were walking in the woods where grizzly bears live & one came running at us, you'd be perfectly safe because I freeze when terrified. I can't run. I can't talk. I freeze. Which is why I've never been into anything that may generate that fright-freeze response. When he left, I was able to say to her that was horrible. She responded with something like, "It's ok we're doctors we're used to it."
Criminal activity in government (terrorism) is NOT restricted to this matter sand my family. That's proved automatically from the reaction police have in refusing to acknowledge I've been a target of any crime, anywhere across Australia - even when police allegedly had my driver's licence cancelled because I wrote & asked politely for police to investigate the medical crimes associated with the illegal implants inside me, seen in my Youtube LINK below. Illegally cancelled it with no lawful grounds whatsoever since 2018 to this day in 2025 I've been refused my legal right to appeal this 'licence issue' farce.
This child was indecently assaulted in 1987 at 39 William Street The Oaks NSW, just before this photo by this male, his grandfather, who kidnapped this child from his mother at her Torrens title residence, 39 William Street The Oaks NSW, in November 1988. Camden NSW AUSTRALIA police station officers refused to arrest or charge this man, they claimed that right because they were all FREEMASONS & despite that this man went to prison for brutally raping his 2-year-old daughter on 3 March 1959 – this child’s mother.
Australia's parliaments decided it was not my right to know I'd been brutally raped by my male parent as an infant. Or that I had extensive stitches, causing me permanent disfigurement & pain. Or that he had been convicted and imprisoned. Or that he'd offended previously involving his other children. That's why he persisted to drug me with amnesia drugs & his FREEMASON cult members brainwashed me extensively so I'd forget what I'd seen as I was growing up, putting my own children in harms way allowing him to rape all of his 20 something descendants and many more children of FREEMASON cult members during lodge meeting rituals - in secret.
This infant was raped during a family gathering at his aunt’s residence in Cawdor NSW on the afternoon of 24 April 1988 by the same man who had indecently assaulted the older sibling at 39 William Street The Oaks NSW, his grandfather. Camden NSW AUSTRALIA police station officers refused to arrest or charge this man, they claimed that right because they were all FREEMASONS.
The shooting murder of FREEMASON Jack BASSET, inside Camden NSW AUSTRALIA police station on evening of 24 April 1988 was precipitated by this infant’s rape.
The kidnap of the older sibling in November 1988 was precipitated by the shooting murder of FREEMASON Jack BASSET, because Camden NSW AUSTRALIA police station officers refused to arrest or charge any FREEMASON, regardless of the alleged crime with many witnesses.
The 1989 Unwin Hyman & 1990 Allen & Unwin (same) publications, named BROTHERS IN ARMS THE INSIDE STORY OF TWO BIKIE GANGS & BROTHERS IN ARMS BIKIE WARS, was precipitated by the kidnap of the older sibling in November 1988.
The 1991 pregnancy & surgical rape of the mother when pregnant in 1991 was precipitated by the 1989 publication BROTHERS IN ARMS in which the mothers own copyright head & shoulders photo of herself in 1980s was used as the identity of a murder victim the authors labelled as “cheap little slut” at “14-years-old”.
The theft of the mother’s Torrens title residence at 39 William Street The Oaks NSW was precipitated by the mother’s surgical rape.
That’s how the patter of assault continued on this family at the hands of Australia’s police departments who protect FREEMASONS by any means, whatever it takes because Australians do what Australians do best – blame the victims.
Dated 4 January 1989: this proves I was unable to convince police to apply Australian law to crimes perpetrated by their fellow FREEMASONS. It also proves the only option the court system ‘allowed me’ when my minor child was criminally abducted, was mediation with the kidnapper, a convicted infant rapist.
Dated Valentine's Day, 14 February 1990: After the BROTHERS IN ARMS 1989 publication where police claimed someone sent a Valentine's Day to someone in prison stating it was from the person police identified with my biometric identity, then claimed the prisoner hung himself in prison because of the Valentine's Day card. The false & defamatory inference is that I sent the card.
This letter proves that I had applied to Camden court. Its my recollection that my application was in my legal birth family name, FRANCIS. The application was for an Apprehended Violence Order against my male parent to keep him away from my children because police refuse to enforce Australian law to protect my children.
The respondent was my male parent & no other.
I was never married to Mr HALL & he played no part in my court ordered mediation or my discussions with this Government department. Likewise, my mother played no part in the litigation. That the Government public officers included my mother & my de-facto partner indicates they tad criminally falsified documents to pervert the course of justice to make it appear that it was a family matter when it was a criminal child rape matter that no reasonable person would demand the mother medicate with the rapist abductor for access to the mother’s children.
Camden Local Court ordered that I medicate with this rapist abductor.
In 1990 the abducted child turned 16, they were 14 when abducted.
In 1990 Camden NSW police told me that not the child is 16 they’re old enough to choose where they want to live so on that basis the child reapist & child abducter would not be charged.
My External Links

FREE Books - TRUE GOVERNMENT CRIME from PRISON ISLAND AUSTRALIA - They've no moral compass, no limit to their secretly Government funded depravity.

Two completely FREE PDF files of my Amazon Books which expose the truth about Australia's parliaments & evidently likewise in parliaments in United States of America & United Kingdom.
For me personally, this trilogy of parliamentary terrorism rubbish started long before I was born in 1956. It's been passed on like a relay baton from one elected member of parliament to the next in Canberra ACT, in Sydney NSW & in Adelaide, South Australia. Their goal is to cover up the long history of FREEMASON centric child rape, involving family members and non-family. Australians continue to do what Australians do best - blame the victims.
From federal parliament to global news industry to your local library, its likely you've not heard anything about the content on this website <> or any of my linked websites, especially <> because our alleged democratic countries are as far from being constitutionally democratic as the North Pole is from the South Pole. Documented evidence herein proves FREEMASON child rapists & FREEMASON killers of police enjoy parliament & police enforced protections and higher social status in Australia than witnesses to their crimes, including pregnant women and their children.
Except in adaptation from USA's ABC TV series "Once Upon A Time". I'd welcome a defamation lawsuit to prove my case from the responsible persons in USA illegally thieving from my websites since 2005 to help AUSTRALIA's FREEMASONS cover-up their history of ritualistic child-rape. I've had dozens of websites and sent many requests to USA & UK to expose these Australia crimes. I'd sue them myself only since my 2014 win in Federal Court (Sydney registry) our government have illegally refused to let me file anything - despite the impressive quality and content of Government's own documented evidence submitted in my applications to the court.
After 6 months & priced at only AU$4 for TAURUS RISING eBook AMAZON.COM has been unable to sell even one copy, of any of my books despite or more likely BECAUSE they all exposes the falseness & criminality of the Government's TV Miniseries & paperback BROTHERS IN ARMS published since 1989.
All my emails requesting exposure of these unedited government documents and my private images remain unanswered - sent to TV & Newspaper outlets & advertising agencies. Which means the parliament are illegally confining me in a communication bubble to prevent exposure of their crimes. They also illegally cancelled my drivers licence so I'm restricted to where & when I travel.
About AustraliaSux Domain Name
First registered in 2005 via who claimed to receive one complaint before they infringed State Fair Trading statute, Federal Trade Practice Act, and my Federal Criminal Code Act right of lawful free speech by de-registering my domain name.
- de-registered without first applying the rule of law - natural justice, by asking me for grounds not to de-register before they illegally de-registered this domain name, then refused to refund my payment.
Soon after this domain name was first registered Australia's Freemason police misappropriated government resources to create and maintain a social media thread on Sydney's they named after this domain name - AUSTRALIA SUX !? - started by NSW retired police officer Peter Robert BRADBURY, using the monica "SHOOTER" on 17 December 2005 ending on 27 April 2007 by another police officer using the monica "Scarlet Spider",
Obvious purpose of the lengthy " Australia Sux!?" hate-campaign by Australia's Terrorist Government public officers was evidently to [falsely] criminally defame me as an eye-witness to the FREEMASON murder committed by "SHOOTER" on Sunday evening of 24 April 1988 inside Camden NSW John Street police station.
In 2005 & probably still in 2025, <> provide a lot of domain registrations & website hosting services to Australia's terrorist governments. "Nuff said"
Request my 2 AMAZON hardcovers in PDF "TAURUS RISING" & "BROTHERS IN ARMS SIMPSON & HARVEY FREEMASON LIES" - Be nice please, use only your own email address.
34 Whitestone Crescent, Seaford Rise SA 5169, Australia
+61 490 833 008ABN
Operating Hours
Author Janette Gail FRANCIS
: Text or email.
: No voice calls.
: Verified NGO Courier letters accepted.
: No Australia Post letters.
: All interviews by appointment, ID required.
Ergo: no shopping centre impromptu questions.
MATRIX the film v reality
Before the film was made initially in the year 2000 in Australia, the most commuse of the word "matrix" was in the statement "matrix of lies". I used it many times when writing letters to the editor in 1980s & 1990s.
"In the first episode of the film trilogy The Matrix, lead character Neo was given the option of taking a red pill, which would enable him to understand what was actually occurring outside the illusion created by the Matrix, or a blue pill, which would allow him to return to experiencing only that illusion." (
As we all know politics in our fake constitutional-democracies use symbolism to identify each side of the political spectrum.
Political LEFT use red & claim shared ideologies with COMMUNISM.
Political RIGHT use blue which infers shared ideologies with FREEMASONS.
In reality the only difference between political left & right is the colours they identity with. Its all a charade, they're secret partners in crime.
Silence is Golden for Predators in & linked to, our Fake Constitutional-Democracy Parliaments.
Proved 100%: Australia Sux because of Government funded Secret Civil Terrorism to cover up child rape & murder which precipitated the Unwin, Hyman & Allen, Unwin AUKUS global corporate paperback & TV miniseries BROTHERS IN ARMS ... BIKIE WARS, for police to cover up their FREEMASON BROTHER's thousands or millions of child rapes & their murders to cover up their child rapes.
We all know the propensity of aggressors to rape the person they seek to overpower. This personality trait indicates, actually proves that misogyny, pedophillia, & racial hatred is dominated by actions that are sex crimes. When the cover up of all sex crimes become necessary due to changing racial & social tolerances that sex crime cover ups move into the shadows, into secret societies, like FREEMASONS, & funded by parliaments under fake or ambiguous titles like "national security" or "mens' health research".
There has never been a government war against evil. Only wars ever fought were intended to suppress good from exposing truth about evil. This specific war is about child sex predators defaming witnesses to their crimes, I'm one such child witness who became an adult witness. Which means everyone who opposes me in this my life long 'quest' to expose those defaming me, are in reality providing support to those who seek to cover up many child rapes & associated murders, perpetrated by government officials in 20th century Freemason Australia.
Some time after 1700s invasion of modern Australia; after 1900s federation of Australian states but before I was born in 1956 Cooma New South Wales AUSTRALIA, our government's started spinning outrageous lies-upon-lies in the course of their member's desperate actions to maintain their political organization's unconstitutional terrorist control over all of Australia's parliaments.
Every country as a legal entity is nothing more than the sum of those who allow its control.
Australia is a terrorist nation therefore Australia Sux, & its majority voting public are ruthless-terrorist supporters, & supporters of ruthless terrorists.